Tuesday, September 22, 2020

What is nanoengineering?

Nanoengineering is one of the fields of nanotechnology, it is a general term that encompasses all fields of science working in the field of nanoscale. A nanometer one billionth of a meter, or three to five atoms wide. Roughly 40,000 nanometers will line up to be the width of a human hair. Nanoengineering is concerned with manipulating processes that occur on a scale of 1-100 nanometers.

The general term, nanotechnology, is sometimes used to refer to conventional products that have improved properties through enrichment with nanoscale materials. One example is nano-enhanced tooth enamel used by dentists for fillings. The general use of the term "nanotechnology" differs from the more specific sciences that fall under its heading.

Nanoengineering is an interdisciplinary science that creates biochemical structures smaller than bacteria that function as microscopic factories. This is possible through the use of basic biochemical processes at the atomic or molecular level. Simply put, molecules interact through natural processes, and nanoengineering takes advantage of these processes through direct manipulation.

In its infancy, nanoengineering has made some strides in using DNA as a catalyst for self-assembly of simple structures. In 2006, a research team at Brown University was able to grow zinc oxide nanowires roughly 100-200 nm in length by fusing fragments of synthetic DNA with carbon nanotubes. DNA, nature's guide to creating matter from the bottom up, is of particular interest in the field of nanoengineering. By assembling a specific DNA code, a nanoengineer can create the conditions for the genetic code to perform tasks that lead to the biochemical assembly of nanomaterials computer engineer jobs.

The implications of being able to manipulate the "growth" of materials from the atomic level are enormous. Nanoengineering could potentially lead to a host of revolutionary materials and products that will be useful not only in areas such as aerospace, medicine and technology, but also in everyday life. Nanoengineering can lead to practical applications such as self-cleaning paint that never fades or needs wax; aircraft with skins, which are removed from icing and adapt to different aerodynamic conditions; and more efficient and cleaner burning fuel.

One of the most interesting aspects of nanoengineering is that it is extremely cost-effective, environmentally friendly (raw product abundant), non-polluting, and requires little energy. Nanoengineering is considered to be a promising area for young scientists looking for opportunities to ride at the forefront of the revolutionary wave of new science heading towards us. It is widely believed that nanotechnology will have a greater impact on the world than the industrial revolution, and by 2015 it is projected to be a multi-billion dollar business.

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