Friday, September 25, 2020

What is the difference between "Computer Engineering" and "Computer Science and Engineering"?

Mechanical engineering (in general):

You will be able to study engineering subjects such as physics, chemistry. and you must have the ability to know something about everything, in other words, you can have the mindset of engineering thinking.

Now the difference between computer engineering and computer science and engineering: Computer engineering starting salary

computer engineering: 

you will need to learn about hardware, software and networks, you will have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of working with a computer, and you will have many open courses in which you can choose in which area you want to strengthen yourself, Software, hardware , networking, robotics, electronics, etc.

informatics and engineering:

This specialty is designed to be more software-oriented so you will still learn about different aspects of a computer, but you will learn more about software so you won't have many open courses where you can choose which anything other than software (you get a little, though).

They are both engineering items, so you will still have engineering items.

This information is highly university dependent, you should check the differences in the courses (subjects) that will be offered for these majors at your university.

Answer 2 :

Simply put,

Computer engineering

more theoretically, whereas

Computer Science and Engineering

more to practical use.

Bachelor of engineering

Knowledge based

Bachelor of Technology

Skill based.

However, there is not much difference in the case of Indian education.

Most colleges in Maharashtra and BITS (I think) give

Bachelor of engineering

degrees, while IIT / NIT and other states give

Bachelor of Technology


If you need more information on this topic, you can view other answers on Quora:

Hope this helps!

All the best!

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